The earliest form of racism may have been introduced and practiced by wandering barbariansfrom Erasia, who spoke a variety of languages before the Black Aryan (Indo-Aryan) languages ofIndia was taught to them. These barbarians wereCaucasian for the most part, although there were Black chiefs among them, according to ChancellorWilliams in his book, The Destruction of Black Civilization (Third World Press, Chicago; 1976).Later, after the influence of the Black Dravidi-ans, Black Tartars and other Black Negroid and Australoid types who lived in Asia in ancient times(and who still do today), the barbarians learned various skills, including how to hitch horses tocarriages and how to ride horses for purposes ofwar. These techniques learned from the Blacksof Asia was used to invade the ancient Black civilizations of the region. India was one of thefirst to be infiltrated, followed by other Black civilizations to the south, including Mesopotamiaand Egypt.Between 2000 B.C. to about 1500 B.C., wavesof the northern barbarians invaded India. All did not enter ancient India as an invasion force, sincethey were not militarily strong enough to defeat the mighty Black armies of the ancient EthiopicDravidian Indians. In fact, many barbarians came in trickles, looking for food and lodging in what was one of the greatest Black civilizonson earth, and one of the most ancient. Long before the infiltrations of the aliens, India's wealth, culture, architecture, civilization was legendary. The ancient Indians belonged to the Kushsite African race, still numerious in awide area of the globe, spread from India in theEast to Senegal in the West. Of this group of ancient Blacks, the Naga People were and stillare the largest subgroup of the Kushitic speakingbranch of the Black African race. In fact, the Nagas still retain the title "Naga" in various forms throughout Africa and South Asia eventoday. There are many examples of the term "Naga"still being used to describe various groups in Africa and Asia, who are all of the Kushitic branch of the Black African race. For example, the Blacks of West Africa were called "Nugarmar-ta." "Nagomina" is the name of a tribe from West Africa, who were part of a series of greatcivilizations which existed in the region before 1000 B.C. The "Naga," are another group of people related to India's Naga people, who livein various parts of East Africa and in the nationof Sudan, the original homeland of all Naga and other Kushitic Black peoples. The word"Nahas" is another word for "Nubian." Namesof tribes and nationalities such as "Nuer," "Nuba,""Nubian" are all related to the Naga tribes of India and South Asia.Long before the barbarians infiltrated India,the Blacks (Naga, Negrito, Negroid and all thosebelonging to the Negroid-Australoid Black race, as well as pure Negritic racial types ruled Indiaas well as a substantial portion of Asia fromArabia to China and the South Pacific, as wellas the Indian Ocean region. In India, the Blacksbuilt one of the world's most magnificient andglorious civilizations. This civilization had been developing since about 6000 years Before Christ. The magnificent cities of Harrappa andMohenjo-daro are two of the many cities builtby these Blacks. These cities cover large regions of Northern India and Pakistan.Wayne Chandler explains in the book, AfricanPresence in Early Asia (edt. by Ivan Van Sertima,Transaction Publishers, Newbruinswick, NJ; 1985,p. 83), "The Jewel in the Lotus: The EthiopianPresence in the Indus Valley Civilization," "Mohenjo-daro and Harrappa, the greatest examples of Harrappan architecture were builtbetween 3000 B.C. and 2500 B.C.; these mas-terpieces of Harappan city planning were the culmination of towns and villages which date from 6000 B.C. to 7000 B.C."

    India's ancient original Blacks (and much of today's Black Indians...Nagas...Black Dalits) belong to the same Negritic race of today. Even India's Pygmy types such as the Andaman Islanders are related to the Pygmies of Africa. The connections between the Blacks of India and those of Africa are so close, that even the namesgiven to the various Naga peoples of India and those of Africa are close in sound. For examplegroups in parts of Sudan are called Nagas, whereas in India, Black groups with racial features similar to the people of Sudan are alsocalled Nagas.The languages spoken by the Nagas and other Dravidians such as Telegu, Malayalam, Kanada and others are related to the Kushitelanguages of East Africa, such as Gala and those spoken by the Nilotic peoples. Moreover,it seems that these languages spread far beyondIndia into Cambodia and South China in the East to West Africa in the West. Kushitic speaking people migrated in both directions.THE EARLY BEGINNINGS OF CASTE, COLOR CONSCIOUSNESS AND RACISM IN ANCIENT INDIARacism against India's ancient Blacks who founded the Indus Valley civilizations over fourthousand years Before Christ, began after barbarians from Eurasia infiltrated the IndusValley. These barbarians came from the northern parts of Eurasia and from the north-west and spread into northern India, some migrated to parts of Europe and the MiddleEast, where they encountered more Blackcivilizations. The barbarians were not militarily strongerthan the advanced and militarily superior Blacks of the Indus Valley. In fact, accordingto Drucilla Dungee Houston, in her book Wonderful Ethiopians of the Ancient CushiteEmpire (1985, p. 221)"An ancient treatise tells of the earlyCushite element, that they adornedtheir dead with gifts, with rainment, and ornaments, imagining thereby that they shall attain the world to come. Their ornaments were bronzecopper and gold. One non-Aryan chief described this race (the Blacks)as of fearful swiftness, unyielding in battle, in color like a dark blue cloud.This old type is represented today by the compact masses of the south.These Dravidians constitute forty-sixmillions (during the 1920's; today however they are over 800 millionBlack Dalits, Tribals, Backward castesand Scheduled Castes). They repre-sent the unmixed Cushite Type. Allthe rest of the blood of India is heavi-ly mixed with this strain." (D.D. Hous-ton, Black Classics Press, BaltimoreMD) When the barbarians infiltrated into India, theymay not have invaded in a massive sweep, forsurely, they would have been wiped out by the invincible Naga armies who were well equipped, strong and fierce as mentioned above. Yet, it seems that from the beginning, their objectivewas to take over the glorious lans of the Nagasand other Blacks of India. According to Al Bash-am, the Blacks of India were described by the invaders as "dark and illfavored, bull lipped, snubnosed woshippers of the phallus....they are richin cattle and dwell in fortified places called pur."It is interesting to note that the dwelling place ofthe Pharaoh was also called "Pur-o" from whichthem name "pharaoh" originated.In his booklet, "Nagaloka: The Fractured and Forgotten Glory of the Bahujan Indians," by M. Gopinath (April 14, 1998), he explains that theAryans arrived in India about 2000 years B.C.In fact, their descendants still exist in India amongthe Bramins and Banias (Banias are among the Blackest of Blacks). These vagrant migrants (the ancient invaders) arrived in ancient India (Naga-mandla) looking for food and shelter. The Nagakings allowed them to settle in the Naga king-doms, gave them food and allowed them to usethe land for their wellbeing.Soon afterwards however, the Blacks were repaid by the barbarians with violence and the eventual takeover of their lands. Gopinath statesclearly in the book, Nagaloka (April, 1998), thatin Nagamandla, the Aryan aliens felt insecure, and feared that their positions would be loweredeven more than they had been. They began to devide and cause strife and discord among the Naga tribes, in order to gain a dominant foothold(sounds farmiliar?). Their tricks brought about enmity between the various Naga kingdoms ( people of WestAfrica, Sudan, and other parts of the world who continue to kill each other over the religious beliefs of others should take note). Gopinath's point that the aliens felt "insecure in their posi-tions," clearly underscores the major point ofthis book, which is, those who claim to be "superior," may actually feel inferior and there-fore, they have devised racist and evil meansto oppress others in order to keep themselvesat the top.Gopinath states that many of these raids wereled by these Aryan infiltrators, who helped destroygreat cities such as Harappa and Mohenjo-daro.The result was the weakening of the Naga kings.Soon their kingdoms fell under the control of thebarbarians. The caste system was introducedto further devide and controle the Black Naga people, while the Aryans established themselvesat the very top, with full control over all the rest of the Naga people. In fact, the Aryans called them-selves, "Bhoodevatas," or "Gods of the Earth,"Gopinath explains, (Nagaloka, The FracturedHistory and Forgotten Glory of the Bahujan Indians, compiled by M. Gopinath, Dalit SahityaSanghatane, Bangalore, India)

    A large majority of the Naga People refused tobe dragged into the evil, racist 'varna' or colorand caste apartheid introduced by the barbarians.These Nagas fought the system and were classi-fied as outcastes, unapproachables, untouchablesand unseeables. The color of skin of the Nagapeople being the glorious black complexion and a devine blessing by the sun, which they consi-dered an honor, was considered repugnant to the albino colored invaders. Thus, to touch a person classified as "untouchable" was consi-dered repugnant by the albino colored invaders.The name "untouchable" also meant that the original Black Nagas were outside of the caste system and were (and still are) its greatestopponents and enemies. The barbarians whoinvaded India and introduced the "varna" or color and caste system which devided and gradedthe various Naga tribes and other Indians into various levels of power, had poluted some of the pure black Naga people, creating variousstrata of color ranging from fair to black skinned.In fact, their system was the world's very firstsystem of apartheid, Jim Crow and color racism.V.T. Rajshekar lists the levels of the racistcaste system in his book, Dalit: The Back Un-touchables of India (Clarity Press, Atlanta; 1987,p. 56) as:

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